Autumn Thoughts

It is now Autumn, when  a young man's thoughts turn to, well I don't know, since I am not a young man anymore!  However, an old guy's thoughts turn to October - National Movie Month! 

We are featuring a different movie every week - the first three will be sing-alongs!  Thursdays in October at 6pm.  (So your little ones aren't up too late!) Sing along to the songs and enjoy fresh-popped popcorn, or bring a snack to eat.

Thursday, October 6 6pm - Tangled - The Rapunzel story re-told with a handsome scallywag, and frying pans! 

Thursday, October 13 6pm - Moana - Great music and a great story!

Thursday, October 20 6pm - Coco - Sing along to the amazing music and thrill to the fabulous story of a young boy and his love for music and quest for his Abuelo!

Thursday, October 27 6pm - Hocus Pocus Interactive Movie Night!  

Please Register so we know how many kits to make up! 

Kids receive a bag of interactive Movie supplies to polay along with the movie!  There are also lots of things we'll do during the movie like calling "boooo-ook", or sniffing for children - and beware the black rain of death!  Each audience member will receive a list of what to do during the movie, which we'll go over before the movie. 


So much for the fun!  Now let's talk about the not-so-nice people in the world - SCAMMERS!  I have been trying to sell the old library furnityre, which apparently leaves me wide open to be scammed by people.  Here is a pretty good site that explains how to identify scams - but the big point is this - If someone is VERY insistent on having you send money, or give thm account numbers - DON'T DO IT!  Hang up the phone or delete the email.  Go to the site or call the number you were given when you opened the account.  A real business never asks for this information - especially banking information.

Here is the site:


Enjoy the Autumn magic!
